
The following classes are available globally.

  • Undocumented

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    public class Channel
  • Data that is received from the Server.

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    public class Message
  • The Presence object provides features for syncing presence information from the server with the client and handling presences joining and leaving.

    Syncing state from the server

    To sync presence state from the server, first instantiate an object and pass your channel in to track lifecycle events:

    let channel ="some:topic")
    let presence = Presence(channel)

    If you have custom syncing state events, you can configure the Presence object to use those instead.

    let options = Options(events: [.state: "my_state", .diff: "my_diff"])
    let presence = Presence(channel, opts: options)

    Next, use the presence.onSync callback to react to state changes from the server. For example, to render the list of users every time the list changes, you could write:

    presence.onSync { renderUsers(presence.list()) }

    Listing Presences

    presence.list is used to return a list of presence information based on the local state of metadata. By default, all presence metadata is returned, but a listBy function can be supplied to allow the client to select which metadata to use for a given presence. For example, you may have a user online from different devices with a metadata status of “online”, but they have set themselves to “away” on another device. In this case, the app may choose to use the “away” status for what appears on the UI. The example below defines a listBy function which prioritizes the first metadata which was registered for each user. This could be the first tab they opened, or the first device they came online from:

    let listBy: (String, Presence.Map) -> Presence.Meta = { id, pres in
        let first = pres["metas"]!.first!
        first["count"] = pres["metas"]!.count
        first["id"] = id
        return first
    let onlineUsers = presence.list(by: listBy)

    (NOTE: The underlying behavior is a map on the presence.state. You are mapping the state dictionary into whatever datastructure suites your needs)

    Handling individual presence join and leave events

    The presence.onJoin and presence.onLeave callbacks can be used to react to individual presences joining and leaving the app. For example:

    let presence = Presence(channel)
    presence.onJoin { [weak self] (key, current, newPres) in
        if let cur = current {
            print("user additional presence", cur)
        } else {
            print("user entered for the first time", newPres)
    presence.onLeave { [weak self] (key, current, leftPres) in
        if current["metas"]?.isEmpty == true {
            print("user has left from all devices", leftPres)
        } else {
            print("user left from a device", current)
    presence.onSync { renderUsers(presence.list()) }
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    public final class Presence
  • Represnts pushing data to a Channel through the Socket

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    public class Push
  • Socket Connection

    A single connection is established to the server and channels are multiplexed over the connection. Connect to the server using the Socket class:

    let socket = new Socket("/socket", paramsClosure: { ["userToken": "123" ] })

    The Socket constructor takes the mount point of the socket, the authentication params, as well as options that can be found in the Socket docs, such as configuring the heartbeat.

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    public class Socket
    extension Socket: WebSocketDelegate
  • A collection of default values and behaviors used accross the Client

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    public class Defaults